The editing is where the magic happens.
And by magic, I mean where we take a bunch of disconnected shots of completely unrelated people with little or no experience and make a video that is coherent, compelling, and makes sense. Something you can be proud and excited to share with your sponsors, employees, or target demographic.
Will there be graphics? Those are magic too. Building a graphic that will enhance the live action, without jarring your audience takes practice, and time. How about animation? That’s definitely magic. It takes a great deal longer than you’d think to create great animation that builds on your professional story and adds to it, instead of making your whole presentation look like it should be for first graders. Pixar has taken animation to a whole new level and they make it look easy. You have to be that good to make it look that easy, because it really isn’t.
The magic is also happening when your experienced videographer catches that gaff, that mistake, that ‘oh dear did he really say that’ comment that really and truly should not be put out for public consumption. Having someone with lots of experience, who understands public opinion and marketing, on the job in the editing room can save you a lot of money by avoiding post-production clean ups. Not to mention avoiding embarrassment.
Did he really say that? No one will ever know.
Here’s a video that took us two days to shoot, several days to edit, and a little time to work in that extra video magic.
Capture Video expresses your brand and supports your goals. Our video services cover every aspect of new media production, from concept to final cut on DVD, Blu-Ray or the Web.
We provide video productions services for Northern Virginia and the entire DC Metro area.
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brand strategy, capture video, corporate video, dc, editor, Graphics, High definition, jessica piscitelli robinson, marketing, northern virginia, nova, Online Marketing, production company, promos, Quality, va, video, video for SEO, video production, videographer, virginia,