Capture Video, Inc. has finally reached maturity. We are celebrating 13 years of video production.
Back when we first started producing corporate videos, some of them still went on VHS tape. DVDs were around, but not everyone was using them, and certainly, most corporations did not have DVD drives in their computers. THAT would’ve been crazy. So we made VHS tapes for conference rooms and trade show displays. These days, we produce a mix of DVD, Blu-Ray or all digital masters for our clients. The only VHS requests I ever get are for converting old VHS tapes to a newer format.
We have been producing video for online content since the early months of 2000, but back then, it was very important to keep file sizes down to 4MBs or there was just no way anyone would be able to download and view it on their computer. These days, companies need to have video on their website or a YouTube channel to be relevant, to the search engines at least, but also to their clients, sponsors, donors, and investors. And the file size is not so much of a concern anymore, thanks to high speed internet. It really is nice to not have to listen to that annoying dial noise while trying to “connect.”
Our very first camera was a Canon XL-1. It was a great camera, in 2000. Very advanced. It shot on mini DV, which was an early digital format. Now we shoot almost exclusively in HD on P2 cards, a form of hard drive. I used to have to explain to people that we were videotaping, not filming. Now, I am not even sure what to call it, as there’s no tape involved.
It’s been a fantastic 13 years. All of our clients have been wonderful. My favorite thing about this job is that all of my clients are so different. I have never produced the same video twice. From videotaping interviews for Success in the City, to creating a recruiting video for Cisco Systems, a live event video for Capital One Bank, a training video for the Superior Courts of the District of Columbia, an educational video for USGS or a promotional video for the Town of Leesburg, all of our projects have been exciting and unique and a great experience.
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capture video, corporate video, Inc., promotional video, training video, video production
Congratulations, Jessica!
Congratulations on Lucky 13, indeed! A true small business success story!