In our last post, we looked at the compelling reasons to create online video ads for your product or service. Kudos to you for seeing the potential and possibilities! But before you hit the ‘send’ button on YouTube, there are a few things you really ought to know first.
1. Keep it real. Your customers are savvy enough to recognize fake actors in made-up locales. Make your ad authentic. It’s relatable for the viewer and more likely to hook ‘em.
2. Make them act. You need to compel your audience to want to buy. Sometimes it’s easy, but more often, it’s a tall order to deliver a true call to action. This is crucial to your video’s success.
3. Keep it short. Viewers get bored quickly. An over-produced commercial can not only lose their interest but, even worse – cost you sales.
4. Invest in quality. Remember the phrase, ‘First impressions count?’ If you’ve got a poor quality ad, you’re more likely to leave your audience with a negative impression of your company … which is even worse than not knowing you exist.
Here’s an example of a Capture Video production done for Cisco System’s recruitment efforts:
1. Keep ‘em in the dark. Give your viewer the scoop in a catchy way that conveys your benefits, and your value. But remember to leave time for your call to action.
2. Make it too complex. As fast as Internet connections are, some computers won’t keep up with over-the-top video elements that make files too large. Keep things simple and stay focused on your message instead of the graphic elements that can bog things down.
3. Drop the ball. It’s great to invest in an online video but you can’t simply post it and stand back to watch. You need to carefully identify your audience, generate a buzz, and keep your ad in front of the right people who are most likely to share it. Think of it as building a fire – kindling is not enough. You have to fan the flames before it’ll catch.
Online videos are ideal for smaller businesses that don’t have the budget for a traditional broadcast ad. Your audience is more likely to connect and share your ad with friends and colleagues, spreading the word about your business for you. If you haven’t delved into this medium yet, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity.